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Writer's picturedavidediprete

The importance of core strength

Hello Zumba people,

I firstly want to officially welcome everyone that joined our community in 2022! It’s so good to see so many new faces dancing with us!

I also want to say welcome back to all the people that have been part of this great fitness family for years, after some super fun, online Zumba sessions, dancing in front of the tv, next to the sofa, it’s good to be back in person!

During these past few months, I had the chance to talk and chat to so many of you that for many reasons had to take a few days off and were not able to join our classes due to injuries. I always advise people that we have to listen to our body, dance to the best of our abilities, and take a rest when it’s needed. Zumba is always here for us, for when we are ready to be back.

This also brought me to think that it is super important for us to train towards a strong and HEALTHY body. It helps us fight illnesses, reduces the risk of injuries, increases the energy needed for our favourite fast Zumba songs, helps reduce stress and anxiety and can improve mental health.

Common injuries range from ITB (iliotibial band) pain to tight hamstrings or hip flexors. These injuries tend to come from lack of flexibility, poor posture, weak core muscles and not enough rest. To aid in overcoming poor form and lack of flexibility, fitness enthusiasts like us and even endurance athletes have turned to core, strength and flexibility training.

They have also added Pilates training or core yoga poses to aid in strengthening the "stabilizers" in our bodies. Here are three good poses I invite you to try:

1. Balance Pose (Pyramid) – Promotes stability, stretches hamstrings. Stand with your left leg in front. Hinge forward from the hips, tilting the pelvis forward and keeping the back straight, knees slightly bent. Advance option: interlace your fingers behind your back and stretch them up.

2. Power Pose (Lunge with twist) – Stretches hips. Step your left foot back; lower down so your knee and toes rest on the ground. Put your palms together. Twist and rest your left triceps on your right quad. Look over your shoulder. Advance option: tuck your toes and lift the knee off the floor to challenge balance.

3. Core Pose (Reverse Table) – Strengthens abs and back. Sit with your knees bent, feet on the floor, hands directly under your shoulders with fingers spread wide. Tuck your chin, push up through your hands and feet until your torso and thighs are parallel to the floor. Advance option: extend one leg or two legs, heel rests on the floor.

A strong core will improve our technique, strength and stamina and compliment everything we do.

If you are interested in learning more and would like to join my brand new class of STRENGTH AND CORE, please comment down here or send me a message via this app and let me know! I am looking to start this class taught with beautiful inspiring songs. Possibly on a Monday evening.

Core+Strength Monday evenings


Davide 🌈

170 views13 comments


Mila Ghosh
Mila Ghosh
Mar 20, 2022

Sounds like a great workout... Count me in!

Mar 23, 2022
Replying to

Hello! The class is up, Mondays at 7.00 pm 🙂


Arlene Sharp
Arlene Sharp
Mar 04, 2022

Yea definitely I’m in !

Arlene Sharp
Arlene Sharp
Mar 04, 2022
Replying to

Yes not yea silly predictive text !


Bhavna Parekh
Mar 04, 2022

Love to give it a go.


Mar 04, 2022

Would like to try this class out

Mar 23, 2022
Replying to

Absolutely! It’s on Mondays at 7 pm 😊 join any time!!


Jeanette Sherry
Jeanette Sherry
Mar 04, 2022

Ooh yes, sounds great 👍

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